“Develop managers, and your organization stabilizes. Develop leaders, and your organization multiplies.”
Able managers will keep the organization going, so your able leaders can keep it growing. Mentorship programs are always a wise investment for any organization. The mentorship process begins during onboarding; since top corporations constantly invest in potential, it’s the most intelligent place to start.
Developing potential leaders is an investment in relationships. Investments take time; just like investing in the stock market, the returns vary, and there are no guarantees of recouping your initial investment.
Pouring Into Others
“A leader who doesn’t share his or her vision, influence, and momentum with others will see all three diminish over time.” — John C. Maxwell
No one becomes successful without the help of the right people around them.
No one is so gifted as to fulfill their vision on their own.
It requires a collaborative effort of differing gifts, talents, and perspectives to realize our vision.
It can be said that vision guides your investment in the future you hope to see, and a legacy guides your investment in generations for your descendants to see. As John Maxwell says, “It is absolutely essential for any leader to find capable women and men to mentor and invest in for the future!”
A Mentoring Culture – An Expression of Value
Writing for Art Of Mentoring, Donella Roberts says,
“Commitment to a mentoring culture demonstrates to individuals they’re valued and respected. It also indicates the organization appreciates diversity and supports personal needs. This results in greater professional happiness, sense of belonging and job satisfaction.
Personal happiness and satisfaction derived from a mentoring culture flows to organizational culture:
Enhanced relationships and collaboration
Extended inclusion
Happier workplace.
What’s more, there are employer brand-enhancing benefits of mentoring initiatives. The Art of Mentoring 2020 research project indicates mentees and mentors are grateful to their organization for the opportunity.
So, what are the steps to building a flourishing mentoring culture?
Focus mentoring on clearly defined business needs
Ensure that top management provides strong, positive role models (get them involved as mentors, not just as sponsors)
Provide mentoring training and continued development
Recognize and reward managers who demonstrate good mentoring behavior and commitment, and encourage being mentored across the organization and at all levels. (1)
As I have previously written, society will always make room for leaders who see the growth potential within the people they’ll be taking to the next level. If you believe people are valuable, you will naturally desire to help them see the best in themselves.
In Closing, I wholeheartedly agree with Renee Olstead when she says, “I encourage all of you to seek out teachers and mentors that challenge you to think for yourself and guide you to find your own voice.” Ultimately, our most significant rewards will come from the great leaders of the future, who, being so much better than we, will point to the foundational lessons they learned under our tutelage.
End Notes
(1) “How to Build A Mentoring Culture” by Donella Roberts https://rb.gy/2usod
*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co. ***