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Motivation and Going to The Next Level - Part Two

“Without motivation, you can’t achieve anything. There are no goal posts to aim for and no purpose to strive towards.”
— Nat Cook

What is motivation?

Motivation is the drive to achieve your goals or needs. It is influenced by:

  • how much you want the goal

  • what you will gain

  • what you will lose from not achieving your goal

  • your personal expectations

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps if you understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.” (1)

James Allen said, “Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit. Good thoughts and actions never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.”

Our thoughts shape our beliefs; therefore, we cannot develop others in any way, shape, or form contrary to our thinking. Stop for a moment and ask yourself what type of thoughts make up most of your thought Life.

We indeed are today where our thoughts have taken us, and we will be tomorrow where our thoughts lead us and our beliefs drive our behaviors. Our thoughts will either motivate or demotivate us when attempting to take our game to the next level.

Self-Motivation is Proactive

We need no permission or acceptance from outside sources for personal development. Becoming self-motivated is self-affirming, aligning us with our purpose, which drives us to achieve our objectives.

Self-motivation never considers “if” ‘we’ll reach that plateau, or maybe this isn’t my time. Motivated people already have a projected timeline; bypassing procrastination, they act immediately.

Self-Motivation is a Choice

“Why is it that we are all born with limitless potential, yet few people fulfill those possibilities?”
— Abraham Maslow

Many people fear facing the uncertainties that lie beyond their comfort zones. Napoleon Hill said, “Self-mastery is the hardest job you will ever tackle. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. You may see at the same time both your best friend and your worst enemy, by simply stepping in front of the mirror.”

Motivation directly impacts our emotions; in fact, both words share a similar Latin root which means “to move.” No one denies that motivation can sometimes release enormous energy, temporarily enabling us to function at higher levels than usual.

Personality Type Plays a Role

Many studies show how our personality traits can play a massive part in how we are motivated. Outgoing, adventurous type personalities can thrive on the adrenaline motivation provides to achieve high-impact objectives.

More conservative, low-key personality types may choose a less explosive approach in favor of a slower, gradual building momentum to achieve their objectives.

John Maxwell says, “The best motivation is self-motivation. In fact, not many people succeed in life without self-generated drive. If you rely on others to energize you, or hesitate until the right mood hits, or delay until circumstances are ideal, then you’ll spend most of your life waiting. Leaders motivate themselves internally rather than depending on external incentives.”

In Closing,

Many people still believe in that elusive destination marked “success,” unaware that it’s a lifestyle of steady growth we should be seeking. Motivation gets us into the race, but it’s our habits that sustain us. When you make self-motivation one of your habits, momentum becomes your closest friend.

End Notes

(1) Health Direct

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co. ***

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