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Do You Have The Passion For Climbing Higher

This weeks article was originally sent out on August 6, 2019

We hope you enjoy this 4 Part Series

“It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers” -Warren Bennis

“Imagine feeling unstoppable. Having the skills, drive, and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve anything you want to. Imagine knowing what it would take to perform to your maximum day in, day out, and believing you could do it. Imagine being able to assess and accept the risks of failure and progress as though you had no doubt you would succeed,” says Sophie Radcliffe about her passion for mountain climbing.

Sophie continues, “exploring mountains to one’s inner psyche, describes how the ups and downs of climbing have fascinating parallels with real life, climbing gives me this.” If you’re a genuine lifelong learner, you understand Sophie Radcliffe’s feelings.

The passion for personal growth, the drive to always achieve new heights and its contribution to those around are in your blood, causing you to welcome the challenges that come with every climb.

“You can tell you’re on the road to success; it’s uphill all the way” -Paul Harvey

Do you possess a desire to keep moving forward, reaching higher and adding more value to others, making a difference in society? That passion for pushing yourself, testing your limits, taking on new challenges is normal if you’re a lifelong learner.

When It’s Time to Climb Another Mountain

“The mountains are calling, and I must go” – John Muir

When change is on your mind, you have another mountain to climb; I know this because I’m a lifelong learner. Like a mountain climber, I begin dreaming of a new view from the top, and the excitement that comes from the experience of new challenges make me restless.

Change always begins in your mind. If you’re a lifelong learner, you will naturally desire to continue climbing the mountains of self-improvement pushing the envelope of your personal best because it’s in your DNA.

Recognizing the Time for Your Next Climb

“The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another” - Marianne Williamson

You’re experiencing an increasing flow of spontaneous thoughts filling your mind with new pictures of your future; they will slowly develop the conviction that it’s again time for testing your limits.

If I hadn’t followed those thoughts, filling my mind with new pictures of my future, contributing to the growth of others, I wouldn’t be doing what I love today. I’m motivated to continue paying the price for climbing higher because it allows me to raise the value of what I’m paying forward.

Things Will Have to Change if You’re Going to Make the Next Climb

“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” – Barry Finlay

Change #1 -Admit When Your Present Situation is No Longer Working for You

Transitioning into a new venture is exciting and scary at the same time, but you intuitively know when it’s time. Follow your heart when you know you’re ready for another climb.

  • Face the facts when all indications tell you a change is in order

  • Do not entertain your fears but address them objectively

  • Honestly calculate the consequences of changing opposed to remaining where you are now

  • Listen to your heart and intelligently prepare for the climb.

Change #2 -Always be Willing to Take on New Challenges

T.S. Eliot says, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”

  • Push yourself beyond your present limitations by taking on progressively more difficult challenges. Those who aren’t willing to go bigger usually go home and the mountains remain.

  • Visualize yourself functioning successfully at new levels. Your dreams and goals require intentional thinking; you’ll always arrive where your thoughts take you.

Change #3 -Believe in Yourself

No one can help you if you don’t believe in yourself. You must see the possibilities and be confident that a better tomorrow begins today. The nature of your climb dictates your preparation. Confidence is always required.

Believe you can learn anything, read what’s necessary, go back to school. My mother earned her Master’s in Psychology while she was in her sixties so, it’s never too late. Alvin Toffler says, “The illiterate of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

  • Hire a Coach, seek out a mentor, talk to those who’ve made the climb

  • Develop the habits your new vision requires

  • Develop new relationships and new social contacts in that new field

When things get tough, keep this in mind, “You are not in the mountains. The mountains are in you.” -John Muir

I encourage you to learn more about our Leadership development programs by click the link below. I promise your future self will thank you!

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***

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