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Developing the 4 Character Traits of Productive Team Members

“Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” -Vince Lombardi

Developing productive people always begins with developing ourselves. I must learn how to get the most out of myself before attempting to get the most out of others. When it comes to personal development, we need others, because we all have blind spots and untapped potential.

Character development is the shortest distance between two points when it comes to people development. Leaders with impeccable character can be trusted because they can be counted on to deliver. Leaders with impeccable character develop productive teams by developing people of integrity.

I admire leaders who keep their word, win, or lose; they stand by their decisions. I always learn something from leaders who are unafraid and unapologetic for being honest. Good leaders are intuitive, assembling teams to do the work that accomplishes their vision, giving them the space to make decisions and solve problems.

Develop a Team of Leaders By Helping People to Lead Themselves

Good leaders understand the importance of integrity and the value of consistency, for better or worse, they keep their commitments, that’s good character, and that’s what they instill in their teams. Letting your yes be yes, and your no be no is the stuff good leaders are made of, leaders who develop, inspire, and multiply leaders.

Whether we realize it or not, we are always reproducing ourselves. As leaders, we must understand two axioms; first, that everything rises and falls on leadership. Second, leadership is influence nothing more nothing less. It’s true that within five years, an organization reflects its leadership; that’s true due to the leader’s influence.

Developing the 4 Character Traits of Productive Team Members

“Personal development precedes personnel development.” – JSP

Develop Accountability Everyone is drawn to people who connect with them. Connecting with people brings transparency, which enhances performance and holds teams together. Nothing keeps people together like personal and mutual accountability. Self-awareness allows us the vulnerability to make ourselves accountable to each other.

You can develop mutual accountability by clearly stating responsibilities and expectations. Clearly understanding and accepting the responsibilities, expectations, and both positive and negative outcomes are where accountability becomes profitable.

Develop Reliability Being consistently reliable builds trust. Your word must be your bond. Integrity produces reliability. Relationships thrive wherever confidence abounds. Harold S. Geneen says, “Facts from paper are not the same as facts from people. The reliability of the people giving you the facts is as important as the facts themselves.” Let the fact of the matter be your history of reliability.

Develop Respectability When it comes to relationships, personal and business, respect for others tops the list. Demonstrating decent behavior is always proper, being respectful resonates with people. Developing character builds self-respect. Respecting others creates respectability.

People are validated and motivated when they feel respected. Commenting on “The Law of Respect,” John C. Maxwell says, “When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you.” Develop respectability at all costs.

Develop Personal Responsibility The role of a leader involves robust decision-making and taking responsibility for developing the best in others. As leaders, we are responsible for assembling and guiding our teams. When you properly train and trust your people, you allow them the opportunity to grow. Keep in mind people will follow your example more than your words.

We are the primary cause of our successes and failures and must be willing to accept the blame for failure and share the credit for success. Simon Sinek aptly states, “The courage of leadership is giving others the chance to succeed even though you bear the responsibility for getting things done.”

Training, trusting and empowering your people to make decisions within a culture of personal responsibility with high expectations, allow them to become more productive, successful, and responsible.

“Character is about managing your life well, so you can lead others well.” – John C. Maxwell

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