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Business At The Speed Of Change

“Organizations that are open to change and adapt are more likely to succeed in a rapidly changing environment.”
Betsey Allen-Manning 

Numerous studies show that more than 75% of those who begin the new year with resolutions to make specific changes will return to their old habits before March. I have always wondered why so many people with the best of intentions desire to change and never seem to follow through.

I believe the willingness to change is present, it’s understanding the process and the effort it takes to effect change that is lacking. Let's take this subject of change (or personal transformation if you will), into the corporate arena.

Remember that change is always internal, both personal and corporate. I must change the way I think before I can bring lasting change to how I live. James Allen in is book, “As a Man Thinketh,” rightly states, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

When Organizations Change

Following the truthfulness of James Allen’s statement, we can see that change organizations face when transforming their organizational cultures. Organizations are made up of people, each with their own ways of thinking.

It's been rightly stated that “what we think determines who we are, who we are determines what we do.” I believe that understanding the powerful influence of a corporate self-awareness is invaluable when it comes to navigating seasons of change.

How Organizations Change

“Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.”
James Allen

Good leaders in every generation prepare their companies for the future, while others stress over changing trends as if change hasn’t always been happening. Good leaders understand that achieving longevity requires the ability to navigate change; every decision you make will be tested and judged by the outcome tomorrow.

Peter Drucker writes, “Unless an organization sees that its task is to lead change, that organization—whether a business, a university, or a hospital—will not survive. In a period of rapid structural change, the only organizations that survive are the ‘change leaders.” (1)

The whole premise of change is to remain competitive

Good leaders will gain insight from older companies who’ve navigated changing trends in personnel and customer behaviors, successfully adapted to new methodologies and technologies. Technology and methodologies are always advancing, organizations that delay or fail to learn and adapt cease to remain competitive.

  • Revisit your core values regularly – Are they timeless or dated?

  • Does your organization have a culture that welcomes challenges?

  • Know when changes are needed – What needs to change? What does that require? What are the estimated costs associated with that change?

  • Do you have a protocol for adapting to changes, and will it see you through each stage of your action plan?

  • Be aware of current global trends – study them before they impact you.

  • Learn from the successes and failures of others, and don’t repeat the failures.

  • Implement what you’re learning as soon as possible and assess regularly.

  • Allow your own experiences and that of others to educate you and your team.

  • Always be mindful of passing on what you’ve learned to those you are mentoring; it makes their learning curve that much easier

  • Finally, never buy into the myth that you have arrived.


In Closing, “Good thinkers are never at a loss to solve problems, they never lack ideas that can build an organization, and they always have hope for a better future,” – John C. Maxwell (2)


End Notes

(1) Management Challenges for the 21st Century (The Change Leader) – Peter Drucker

(2) Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***


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