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12 Thoughts to Help You Be Successful Every Day of Your Life

“Success is learning through the ups and downs of consistently doing your best day in and day out long before people notice it” - JSP

George R. R. Martin has been an author for many years; he’s attracted a following long before his current fame has made him a household name. Martin isn’t an unknown who suddenly won success like people win the lottery.

I believe most of the millions of fans familiar with The Game of Thrones probably never heard of Martin before the TV series aired. Martin isn’t an overnight success; he’s been an author for many years.

The Game of Thrones finale on HBO in total drew nearly 20 million viewers, a record for Game of Thrones, not to mention for HBO's entire history. George R. R. Martin is highly successful not because he “suddenly arrived” but because of his persistence as a writer. Martin continued to do what he does best, he writes.

Success Isn't an Event it’s a Lifestyle

Success doesn’t “come to” talented people; in fact, success doesn’t “come to” any of us. Too many people view success as a lottery; some win, some don’t, so it remains a mystery to most. People forget that success isn’t randomly awarded; success is earned daily. We look at highly successful people whether entrepreneurs, performers, authors, inventors and think, how lucky they are, not realizing that success doesn’t come to people, people achieve it intentionally.

I believe the underlying thoughts behind the idea that success visits some while passing over others, is the mistaken notion that success is free by the luck of the draw instead of recognition for achievements. What many call success is the show of appreciation and respect for work we’ve already been doing.

We mistakenly think that all our hard work, capitalizing on the opportunities when they present themselves, and making the key decisions along the way, brings us success. The truth is, we’re successful on the front end by aligning our life with our purpose. Success is a chosen lifestyle that brings us to a place of healthy relational, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial prosperity.

12 Thoughts for Daily Success

John C. Maxwell talks about being successful happening daily and is within reach of all of us; it takes good decision making and self-discipline. Thinking through being a daily success Maxwell compiles a list of twelve areas we should address, he calls them his “Daily Dozen.” Here is Maxwell’s list:

1. Attitude: Choose and display the right attitude daily

2. Priorities: Determine and act on important priorities daily

3. Health: Know and follow healthy guidelines daily

4. Family: Communicate with and care for my family daily

5. Thinking: Practice and develop good thinking daily

6. Commitment: Make and keep proper commitments daily

7. Finances: Make and properly manage dollars daily

8. Faith: Deepen and live out my faith daily

9. Relationships: Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily

10. Generosity: Plan for and model generosity daily

11. Values: Embrace and practice good values daily

12. Growth: Seek and experience improvements daily

If you settle these twelve issues by making the right decision in each area and then work to manage those decisions daily, you can be successful (1)

One Secret of Daily Success is Learning When and Where to Say No

Some might think Maxwell’s list a bit excessive; the point is successful people focus on their priorities. We must learn to say no to the many things that come our way every day by only saying yes to things aligned with our purpose, that takes discipline and good decision making.

"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." – Warren Buffett

(1) John C. MaxwellMake Today Count”: The Secret of Your Success Is Determined by Your Daily Agenda

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***

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