Many people carry a vision that lies dormant within them for years, just as many act on theirs and see it fulfilled. Why do some people follow their vision while others forfeit theirs? Most people make good on the initial steps toward realizing their vision, why do some of them fulfill it and others kill it?
I believe many people fail to achieve great things because of an inability to recognize progress when they’re making it and fail to understand the potential of a great idea when they have one
If a Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words a Motion Picture Should be Priceless
Louis and Auguste Lumiere are known for being pioneers in cinematography, during the late nineteenth century they were the first to show a motion picture to a paying audience. The brothers continued to produce hundreds of short films gaining steadily growing audiences wherever they went.
Strangely enough, their success was short-lived due to a self-limiting belief that their invention wouldn’t appeal to the general public. The brothers failed to understand the potential appeal of their idea and didn’t recognize the momentum that was building before their eyes.
Louis and Auguste Lumiere went back to developing photographs never cashing in on their undeveloped multibillion-dollar idea.
Who Could’ve Predicted a Search Would Yield Nearly a Trillion Dollars?
Two young university students were looking for a way “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Taking a fresh look at search engines, Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with their own which would do a whole lot more than getting you from point A to point B.
Today each of these two former university students who founded Google have a net worth of more than $50 billion. Google’s search engine now sits alone atop the market. Practically everything from producing your Android to running YouTube belongs to Google.
I believe Page and Brin achieved great things because they recognized progress when they were making it and understood the potential of a great idea when they have one.
Fulfill Your Vision
T. S. Eliot says, “Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that it is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that it is what you feel.”
Vision is Meaningful and Specific
We all have an innate desire to have our life count for something. Having a specific vision gives you a life with purpose. Without vision, your life will lose its sense of meaning. A compelling vision will fuel, motivate and drive your quest for a meaningful existence that leaves an inspiring legacy.
Your Vision Defines You
Your vision comes from your life’s purpose and requires the use of your natural gifts. You’ll always be most passionate about things connected to the use of your gifts. Children naturally gravitate toward those things they love to do (passion), they’re using what comes naturally to them (giftedness). As children we’ve all dreamed about what we wanted to be when we grew up – that’s vision. To find your life’s purpose, identify your natural gifts and talents, there you’ll discover your passion and develop a compelling vision.
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Your Vision Will Change You
Your vision will come with a price tag and will challenge your commitment to paying it. It will require self-discipline, focused thinking, self-awareness, and the help of others. Vision will force you to build on your strengths and address weaknesses. It will test and strengthen your will to change. Vision empowers you to overcome fears and break self-limiting beliefs. In the end, the person you become will always far exceed the price you pay.
*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***