"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." – Bill Copeland
Setting goals and working through meticulously designed action steps is how we live life on purpose. Highly intentional people are purpose-driven for the simple reason intentionality can never coexist with the double-minded.
Fulfilling our personal or organizational purpose requires goals; Unfortunately, too many people wander through life without goals because they live with vague hopes and ideas without a definitive end in view. Dr. Myles Munroe stated, "The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose."
Clearly written objectives focus our thinking, enhances communication, and fosters agreement among those who believe in your vision.
Clearly written objectives paint the picture of the outcomes you envision, making it easier to establish action steps and timelines toward that end.
You would think that the above is a no-brainer yet, many who know about the necessity of being purpose-driven live to the contrary. Unfortunately, many people never realize that a compelling vision springs from our purpose.
Attempting to utilize our skills to accomplish a vision apart from who we are is a vision without an enduring purpose. Knowing who we are answers many "whys?" which in itself directs us to birth compelling visions.
A Lesson from the Children
"Vision comes from purpose; the first key to understanding vision is to realize that it always emanates from purpose." - Dr. Myles Munroe
Children are more apt to live closer to their purpose than most adults because they're natural dreamers. Although they don't question their dreams (not realizing they're practicing vision), they will in many cases end up fulfilling their purpose when encouraged.
Children naturally activate vision, and when they do, they're unknowingly connecting to their Life's purpose. However, when properly guided, a child can use their limited knowledge to pursue and develop their dream, which in most cases will find fulfillment in adulthood. How many times have we heard celebrities or sports figures talk about always dreaming of their current careers as a child?
Believing that we are all born for a purpose and learning to maintain a positive mental attitude about life motivates us to establish goals aligned with our purpose thus, taking the first steps to living a life of significance.
Counselor Scarlett Erin says, "Knowing your purpose helps you find your true passion, and the passion becomes an important driver for you to achieve something extraordinary. Whether it is a childhood dream or a newly adopted lifestyle, your passion will push you through difficulties to reach your goals."
A Word on Goal Setting
Numerous books are written addressing the many benefits of the purpose-driven lifestyle. Having a clear sense of purpose is like being destiny conscious; you naturally begin setting goals; this fills you with a positive mental attitude making you aware of new opportunities. Goal setting from a sense of purpose fills you with the confidence to believe that everything you say and do can make a difference.
Do you set goals that motivate you?
Are you passionate about working through them?
Write down your goals in detail.
Try to articulate why your goals are both valuable and essential to you.
We all make mission or vision statements; why not try writing a value statement?
Understanding why your goals add value to your vision can motivate you to see them to completion, adding value to others and a sense of fulfillment to yourself.
The Psychology of Purpose
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C. S. Lewis
Commenting on the science behind purpose, Sarah Greenberg writes, "Individuals with a strong sense of purpose tend to live longer, have healthier hearts, and are more psychologically resilient. Work can be a great source of meaning, which may explain why retiring early is associated with reduced longevity and a higher risk of dementia.
This evidence also shows why we need a sense of purpose that transcends work, so we don't decompensate when our jobs shift when we take leave, or when we retire. A sense of meaning in one's work also benefits organizations as employees with a strong sense of purpose work harder and stay longer." (1)
“Do you get up every day with a sense of anticipation and meaning because you know you’re doing what you were born to do? Do you feel that your work is a match for your abilities and personality? Or are you pouring your life into your job without feeling fulfilled or having much to show for it?” – Dr. Myles Munroe
End Notes
The Importance of Living a Purpose-Driven Life, Sarah Greenberg https://bit.ly/3tRVXaY
*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***