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Increasing Tomorrow's Potential

"The seeds of the greatest contributions that future leaders will give to society are living within us today." - JSP

While the value of lifelong learners continues to multiply, what may escape our notice is the compound interest of their work society will be enjoying tomorrow. There's never been a moment when I thought, "I know enough now to live a life of significance. The older I get, the more I understand how much I don't know what I must know to help the next generation leave those following them invaluable deposits of wisdom.

There's value in striving for being better tomorrow than we are today; it's the path to significance that instills in others the importance of guiding their proteges to pass it on with interest. The level of investments we make in ourselves increases the value of those we mentor and compounds exponentially when their proteges repeat the process.

Revealing and Releasing Potential

"The road to significance is paved with relationships." - JSP

Unlocking and releasing potential requires deeper relationships. Believing the best in others is where it all begins; believing we have it within us to instill it in others lays the foundation for long-term relationships. The most important decision a potential leader must make is to invest in themselves; the second most important decision is to instill that mindset in others, which requires relationships.

People need people to get anywhere in life. Learning to love people and develop people skills never gets old and will never be outdated. We interact with people every day of our lives, and we depend on each other for survival. Helping others unlock and release their potential begins with learning it from others and how to do it for ourselves.

Recognizing the potential that lies below the surface yet hidden from view of those who have it is valuable; enabling them to see it and utilize it is priceless. Rusty Berkus notes, "There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential."

Within all of us exists all the potential, skills, and passion to accomplish everything we're designed for; it's in seeing it for ourselves that provides all the motivation we need to pursue it.

The world suffers incalculable loss from those who die with unrealized potential within them and those who live without doing something when they see the untapped potential in others. You and I cannot make a maximum impact without helping others do the same.

4 Ways to Help Others Release Untapped Potential

"Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better." Bill Bradley

Be an Example Others Can Follow

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, people will learn more by observing your lifestyle. Living in alignment with who we are, speaks volumes to those watching us. Whether we realize it or not, those we seek to emulate are our role models. Let others see you maximizing your potential and being quick to help others maximize theirs.

Expect More From Yourself Than Others Do

Live with higher expectations than others; make it your intention to exceed expectations when providing a service. Be realistic and optimistic about your personal development and mentor others to live the same way. Set the bar for achievement so high on yourself that the high expectations others have for you will pale in comparison.

Give Yourself Away

Adding value to others is always done with compound interest. People receive more when we're honest and open about our successes and failures and the lessons we learn from both. Being honest and vulnerable provides valuable insights. Allow others to learn from our experiences; it gives them an edge moving forward.

Pushing the Envelope

Pushing the envelope is a common term among test pilots meaning "testing the limits," it's essentially dealing with boundaries. We never know what the limits of our capabilities are until we're pushed beyond our previous limitations.

Challenging others to go further than they've ever gone before forces them to test the limits of their giftedness. Pushing the envelope brings out the best in people who rise to meet the challenge, allowing them to release more untapped potential. Tom Kelley observes, "The truth is, we all have far more creative potential waiting to be tapped."

"The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential. When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself but the world." - Roger Williams

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***

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