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Consider Three Questions Before Climbing Higher

“You can tell you’re on the road to success; it’s uphill all the way.”
Paul Harvey

John Maxwell remarks, “Everything worthwhile is uphill. I’ve been saying this for a while now, but the more I think about it, the more I know it’s true. Whether you’re talking about personal growth, personal health, business, or some other aspect of life, nothing of value is easy. The precious things in life require something in exchange.” (The Law of Sacrifice)

I believe the only limits to personal development are the ones we impose on ourselves. I choose to keep climbing higher and digging deeper because a lifestyle of lifelong learning requires it. I believe this to be true because if your personal development is not lifelong, then, at some point, you will personally stop climbing and set the lid on your potential.

Questions to consider before climbing

1. Do you have the right motives?

2. Are you willing to pay the price?

3. What Are You Thinking?

1. Do You Have The Right Motives?

Commenting on the law of sacrifice, Silvia Pencak says, “We all have different reasons why we choose to lead people. Some do it out of necessity. Others to make money. And those who are like me do it to make a difference and make the world a better place.” (1) John Maxwell notes, “As a leader, it’s important to question your motives often because the temptation to lead for selfish reasons is strong.”

2. Are You Willing To Pay The Price?

Are You Willing to Push yourself beyond your present limitations by taking on progressively more complex challenges? Those unwilling to pay the price for climbing higher usually go home, and the mountains remain.

When facing the mountains before us, John Muir rightly observes, “You are not in the mountains. The mountains are in you.”

Are You Willing to give up functioning successfully at current levels and bet on your future to maximize your potential? Those who aren’t willing, settle for the status quo.

3. What Are You Thinking?

How well you control your thoughts and emotions influences your decisions, determining how high you believe you can climb.

It’s a fact that conquering challenging objectives requires realistic, and intentional thinking; it’s a simple truth that we will always arrive where our thoughts have taken us.

Ultimately, no one can help you if you don’t believe in yourself. You must see the possibilities and be confident that a better tomorrow begins today, and reaching the summit is only a matter of time.

I encourage you to follow that fire burning within you and pay no attention to voices internally or externally to the contrary. On my journey climbing higher, I’ve made numerous mistakes and encountered many setbacks and failures. In retrospect, I regret nothing; I consider it part of the price of experiencing the climb.

Barry Finlay says, “Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”

In Closing, John Maxwell issues the challenge, “I challenge you, in your growth as a leader, to be willing to face – and even embrace – sacrifice when it is called for, to help your people and organization thrive. I’ve often said that we have to “give up to go up.” I believe that no matter how challenging the sacrifice, you will end up understanding that it was worth it to take your leadership to the next level.” (2)

End Notes

(1) The Law of Sacrifice Are You Willing? By Sylvia Pencak

(2) The Power of Sacrifice – John C. Maxwell

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co. ***

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